Atlanta Real Estate & Rentals Blog

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

Jen Tolley - Monday, January 10, 2022
Property Management Blog

Today is the day to look for ways of reducing how much energy you are consuming! Explore your options and allow this day to make changes in your daily life that would turn down your household’s energy consumption and monthly energy costs.

We know you've all had your winter heating bills increased. But this does not just focus on the winter months but also the year ahead.

It is usually in the little things that you do that can save you more money on your bills. Save your energy costs with these tips!

Weatherproof your home - This is a big help to save more money and saving energy and it can greatly improve the comfort of your home.

Properly maintaining furnace - This will supply the correct airflow throughout your home and be much more energy-efficient compared to the one that is not maintained. Replace old furnaces and windows with new energy-efficient ones.

Use solar heat - Endless amounts of energy, free of charge.

Turn your thermostat down - The Department of Energy estimates savings of about 1 percent for each degree of thermostat adjustment per 8 hours and recommends turning thermostats back 7 to 10 degrees from their normal settings for 8 hours per day to achieve annual savings of up to 10%.

Turn off lights after using - Turn off the light when leaving the room. Not only it will make the room cooler especially during summer but also save energy.

Unplug unused appliances - A lot of appliances and electronic devices such as TVs, lamps, and more consume electricity when plugged in. Unplugging appliances add the chances to save money on your expenses, and this can also increase the life of your belongings.

Reduce shower time - Taking shorter, and colder showers can save both water and energy.

Lower water heater's temperature - Lowering the temperature can reduce standby heat loss and save up to 15 percent in annual water heating expense.

These are just a few of the many ways to conserve energy. Apply these tips, along with others you may already have in practice.

Backyard Realty Group is a full-service real estate brokerage that assists Buyers, Sellers, Investors with their real estate needs by providing exceptional real estate, rental property management and community management services in the Metro Atlanta area.